Friday, March 19, 2010

It had to happen sooner or later.

I grow old, I grow old,
I...wear the bottom of my trousers rolled... (T.S. Eliot)
Now I know what he meant. The older I get, the shorter I get. Capri pants get to be ankle pants. Bermuda shorts become crops. And watching myself hop around town on my sore foot makes me sincerely repent the embarrassment I felt at being seen with my mother in her walking-stick days. My punishment is looking in the mirror and seeing her face and her poor crooked back.
But most of the time, I don't give a hoot.

Today I sold the little Eames era chair.


JD Atlanta said...

It's a cute chair, but I've always wondered what the heck it would be useful for!

Joanne Cage said...

Well, it was good for about fifty bucks.

JD Atlanta said...

That's pretty good. :)

Ramey Channell said...

You need to do something about that sore foot. Go see a foot doctor.