Friday, May 8, 2015

. . . Tall Buildings At a Single Bound. . .

This morning I got up at 5:00, did a load of laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, and got ready for a visit from one of the home health agents. That turned out to be a false alarm, because she hadn't coordinated with Steve, who came yesterday from a different agency. Anyway, later on, after Jed went back to Atlanta, I paid up all my bills, which had been weighing on my mind, and went to the post office.

Last Friday night I went to the hospital with the chest and back pain, and it turned out I had a real heart attack.  So on Sunday, I had a procedure where they placed a stent in my damaged heart artery. Man, this was weird. A team of about six or eight stout men and women, or similar creatures, all wore various hats, and the sound effects were deafening.

Ker-Blam! Ka-Pow! It sounded like they were flinging hundred-pound sacks of grain around the room. Maybe slaughtering cattle. Loud laughter. Muffled screams. I never felt a thing, except freedom from pain. But at last someone came in and told them to put down their weapons, and they all looked sheepish and sort of dried up. As I was wheeled from the room, I called back, "I like y'alls' hats!"

The team applauded!


JD Atlanta said...

You would say that!

Joanne Cage said...

The weird part is that I didn't make it up. That was my true impression of what happened.

JD Atlanta said...

I didn't doubt it. Modern medicine is a very strange thing. :)