Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Nice weekend

The weekend was right pleasant. The chicken dish was better Saturday, with a little more seasoning, and even better Sunday with a can of Italian style diced tomatoes and two cuppa white wine (just kidding about the wine). Wine is too good to waste on food. "I often wonder what the vinter buys/ One-half so precious as the stuff he sells." I'm not quite that enthusiastic about it, but it is great with cheese and crackers once in a while.

And I got one little Amazon sale on Saturday. And we had lots of rain, which was good for the grass, which is so green it almost hurts your eyes. Sister Trois (Ramey) won prizes and publication for two short-stories, which made me about one-fourth as happy as if I had done so myself. Had lovely emails from Jed and other good friends, saying I meant something to them. No dreams about going through a building to get to the other side of the block quicker, and getting lost in the building (a recurrent dream, but not very recently).

Today I did the mailing, picking up prescriptions, returning library books, and grocery shopping--not awfully exciting, but nice to have them done.

Hope the rest of this week is pleasant, for me and everyone else.

(A Heron Dance water-color.)


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Loverly painting.

JD Atlanta said...

That is a beautiful picture! Where did it come from?

I cooked the pork tenderloin a couple of days ago. It was good, but as a sandwich the next day (with brown mustard and pickles), it was dang good.

See you,
