Sunday, October 12, 2008

Instant Person: Just Add Coffee

Woke up this morning thinking of lots of good resolutions. The first one was to finish my own personal Halloween project and quit admiring it in its near-finished state.

But Maw Maw always said that every stitch you sew on Sunday, you'll have to pull out with your nose on Monday.

Another good resolution I thought of was to quit procrastinating about
1. painting Old Walt
2. fixing up the house before things start falling apart
3. filing for my tax refund
4. throwing a yard sale before cold weather sets in.
5. quitting procrastinating...

Added at 5:45 p.m. My cosmos that I planted at the foot of the steps is full of blooms and buds, but something broke it down last night. Whatever it was left two pecans on the step, so I guess that's payment enough.

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I'm loving that kitty cat picture. I know just how he feels.