Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sing Out

In my maturity, I'm experiencing a return of the slight dyslexia I enjoyed as a child. On my blog, I saw "sign out" and thought it said "sing out," so I've been singing a little tune for some time now.

In grammar school, there was a little girl named Agnes in one of our readers, and I called her "Ay-genes." The first time I encountered the word "expenditures," I called it "expidentures." And of course, for a long time, "remuneration" was "renumeration."
Sister Susan just brought me a DVD of 'The Magic Of Belle Isle" to watch. It was a great effort on her part, and I 'preciate it no end.


JD Atlanta said...

Uh ... I still say "renumeration." At least, I did until today. :) Maybe I learned this from you?

Joanne Cage said...

I probably still say renumeration, if I ever have occasion to use the word.

Ramey Channell said...

Every year on my birthday I experience renumeration. Except I try to dodge it.