Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco

The Name Of the Rose, by Eco, is one of the best novels I've ever read. I assumed that I would like Foucault's Pendulum, and one year I set about to read it. I read and read, and kept reading, sure that pretty soon I would come to some connected words that I fully understood. I did dimly recognize references to one esoteric topic in which I was not interested enough to explore further. If I remember correctly, it was about halfway through the book that I gave up and quit reading.


I sit here wondering what to do about all the stuff in my house. I no longer care about most of it. Aside from the books, almost none of it is dear to my heart. What have quilts ever done for me that an old wool blanket couldn't do? What's Limoges to me, or I to Limoges? After reading Stephen King and other horrorists, I find dolls disturbing, and there are sixty-something of them in my house.

Thoreau said no man is so poor that he must sit on a pumpkin. I say a nice plump pumpkin might be an improvement over some of my antiquated (not "antique") seating.

I guess a yard sale is the logical solution, if I can ever summon the stamina to proceed in that direction.


Ramey Channell said...

I don't know about Umberto, but I love your Limoges plates! Wish I had one with a sandwich on it right now! And a glass of tea.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I wanted so much to have a yard sale this weekend to coincide with my neighbor Karen's, but even thinking about it made me hurt worse. I look around and wonder how I ever came by all this junk in my house, and then I remember how much fun it was collecting it. Now it's all just a bother. And, sometimes it all looks so drab. Wish I could have a sale in which I just told everyone to come in and take what you want. But not the quilts. Never the quilts.

Joanne Cage said...

Yes, I've thought about having a sale where everyone could walk through the house, take what they want, and leave a contribution in the box at the door if they wanted to.