Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Lots of stuff has happened in the past week.

On Friday, Dave came and cleaned the carpets, and Jennifer came and cleaned the house. We're going to try her coming over every other week to help clean, and see how it works out. She's a lovely young woman. Her seven-year-old son came with her, and I wanted to keep him.

 On Saturday, Jed, Susan, Pat and I celebrated my birthday with lunch at Carrabas, one of our favorite restaurants, and they gave me some lovely gifts. Jed went back to Atlanta, and on Sunday, Mary Anne M. phoned and asked me to have the Castalia literary club program on January 20th. So that's something to look forward to.

I gathered up most of my quilts and put them in the former TV cabinet, mainly to see how big a stack they make. If I decide to leave them here, I'll have to protect them somehow from the wood.

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Your quilts look great in the cabinet.