Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road

I mean, goodbye, 2015. I'm thankful to have made it through, with help from my friends.

If I ever had to jump out of an airplane, I would holler "Great-Great-Grandfather!" even though I was scared to death.
There are some things I'd like to do this year. I'd like to go to Ireland, and I'd like to end up in Israel. Maybe get scattered by a bomb, or rammed by a truck. But no knives, please.


Deb said...

I hope you have a wonderful year! Please, please take a million pictures if you go on holiday in Ireland.
I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday and Christmas with the family.
Good wishes for you for the New Year.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I would go with you to Ireland. But I'll pass on Israel till Jesus comes back and gets those people straightened out.