That's what we had last night. The ground was so dry, it was just a sip or two.
Today, after going to the P.O., etc., all that stuff one does on Saturday, I rested a while, then walked half a mile without stopping. That's the distance, best I can estimate, by knowing it takes me approx. 30 minutes to walk a mile without stopping. So I walked for 20 minutes. I'll gradually work up to a mile a day, but I need a whatchacallit, a pedometer? Couple of years ago, I could have got one free for a bunch of Special K proofs of purchase.
Yesterday I went up to Ramey's to see if I could get her manual typewriter to moving again, but we ran into an organic problem out of all control. It comes under what the space program would call biologic contamination of mechanical devices. Pat gave me a good book to list, even though I couldn't help with the typewriter. And Gretchen was glad to see me, which always makes me feel good.