Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wo' Out!

I just finished writing the first (and maybe the only) real love scene, and I 'm so tired I could sleep for a week. Hungry, too. Do I deserve a pizza? Certainly, go right ahead. Thank you, maybe I will.

I was supposed to do a lot of business today. Pay bills. Call about getting the car title for the Lincoln. Go buy a new telephone. Tow dat barge. Lift dat bale.

"Big Baby, I fink I'm going to be starved to deaf by ve time we get home."


Deb said...

Don't think I could ever write a love scene; that's why I am writing children's books! I hope you had a wonderful pizza, just the way you like it! You deserve it after writing all day!

Ramey Channell said...

You and Douglas! Is he in the book?
I applaud you with extravagant glee!