Friday, April 12, 2013

Weird Dream

I drifted off to sleep thinking about flowers and wishing my rock-hard lot would grow them. Thinking I might sell this house and buy Jared's flower-surrounded yellow house. It has a storage house out back, that looks like a little cabin, where I could put all the junk that clutters my house.

Anyway, I had drifted off to sleep, when I heard what sounded like a gunshot. A cannon-shot, or something. Dreamed I got up and went into the kitchen. There was a hole in the ceiling, from which rainwater was dripping neatly into a hole in the floor. I thought, Oh no, whatever it is probably made a hole in my car--forgetting that my car was parked under the dining room, not the kitchen.

I went down to the basement, and saw that the water was dripping into a plastic bin, in which was the culprit--a round  quartz or silica rock about half the size of my fist. It was scaly-looking, like a lump of English Cheddar cheese, only prettier.


Today I aim to cut out the rest of the pieces for my Jacob's Ladder quilt. What's left of today.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

What a dream!

Ramey Channell said...

Great dream! I guess. Your house has been slammed by a big piece of cheese. Sounds like a good beginning for a children's story.