Friday, August 2, 2013


Gretchen is a pretty little dog of the Jack Russell persuasion. She lives with Ramey and India up on the hill, but she visits here almost every day, and sometimes she spends the night. This morning she took a walk outside, and encountered three trespassers.

A pit bull and two little dogs, looked like curly-haired dachshunds, had wandered into my yard. The big dog was dragging a leash, actually a piece of rubber hose or something similar, about three yards long. Gretchen ran them out of the front yard, and the little dogs hung around the periphery. But the pit bull ran to the back patio and got his leash wrapped around the deck stairs. I had to go and untangle him before he and his two little companions would leave the area, with Gretchen hot on their trail. She made sure they were all off the property.

The old pit bull looked at me and grinned when I got him loose from the stairs, and none of them acted aggressive toward me or Gretchen. Those were three beautiful dogs, and I hope they go home or their owner finds them soon. I'm sort of cautious about dogs I don't know, so I didn't get close enough to look at their tags.
Yesterday I finished quilting the border of my leaf quilt. Now all I have to do is trim and bind the edges; hope I get it done sometime this year.

Also yesterday I sent a bunch of poems to Negative Capability Press.

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