One day, turning the pages of my mind, I remembered one of the best movies ever, that I hadn't thought of in years. Trouble is, now I can't recall what it was. Moral: When you think of something good, write it down.
Too Good for This World
(A Lament for Blue Bell Ice Cream)
The “Great Divide,” the sherbet,
The Cherry Vanilla, too!
All swept from every grocer's shelf—
And what's a guy to do,
With two cartons in the freezer
Just waiting there for you?
I wish English had a good equivalent for the French word "frisson." Then I wouldn't have to describe what happens to the back of my neck when I hear words like
"I know a song of Africa. Does Africa know a song of me?"
Was the movie "Out of Africa" perchance? I love your Blue Bell poem. I'm heartbroken.
Out of Africa is one of my favorites. But I think the one I can't recall is older than that.
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