Friday, February 19, 2016

Yesterday Jed came over from Atlanta, and we went to my Cardiology clinic appointment. Dr. Gupta wanted me to come back next Tuesday for an electrocardiogram, after my appointment with Dr. Gruman. I had tried to schedule the latter the same day as the former, but they said Dr. Gruman had an appointment Thursday afternoon himself. I hope he's okay.

Last night Jed and I watched two really good science-fiction movies, "The Martian," and I forget the title of the other one. Matt Damon was in both, but Matthew McConaughey was the star of the second one. Those were the two best "new" movies I've seen. I had read "The Martian" book, but I think the movie was even better.

In the news today: Harper Lee has died at age 89.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

The Martian is a goos movie but lacks a lot is the intensity of the book. Was the other movie Contact?

JD Atlanta said...

The other movie was Interstellar, and it was very good. I enjoyed it the first time I saw it a few months ago, but I think I enjoyed it more last night. It's a real science fiction movie, well written, acted, and directed. I highly recommend it.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Yep, I have seen it. Very good. That one with Sandra Bullock is good too, but I forget the title.