Monday, October 17, 2016

Another "Lost" Dream

One thing recurrent about this dream was that the same guy, who has appeared in other "lost" dreams, tried to help me in this one. The difference was that this time I recognized him. He was a student named Gerald who used to work for one of the law firms. I don't remember his last name.

Anyway, I had worked all night at UAB, and when I got in my car I took a wrong turn and couldn't find the right street to get out of town. I couldn't even get out of the Southside. Some of the streets were unpaved, with loose rocks and concrete scattered around. At a couple of points I got out of the car and asked for directions. One of these was a small shop run by a young woman with a couple of children playing in the floor. And then I couldn't find my car.

After I walked a few blocks, I met Gerald at the exit from some building. He said he had to get his car and would pick me up. I waited, and saw his car pull up and park across the street. When I got over there, I found his car but he wasn't in it.
It's funny, when you try to remember a dream. Much of it is fuzzy, and you try to avoid making up connections to the disconnected parts.

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