Sunday, April 6, 2008

Small Cozy Club Meeting?

Monday, Apr. 7, 10:30 a.m. - Well, I got sidetracked last night when I started this post. What it is, Saturday I notified the Bookmarkers that our meeting this week will be at the library meeting room. Betty White said she'd be out of town, and she doubted that Jean could come because of her husband's problems. Nell said she couldn't come, Mary U. called and said she and Walter are going camping. That still leaves enough for a quorum, I guess. The book is that pesky (fascinating) Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield, and I hope Susan and I aren't the only ones who read it.

I've started reading December 6 by Martin Cruz Smith. Apparently it isn't about the Russian guy but an American no-good named Harry Niles, sort of ex-patriated to Japan.

The library still doesn't have A Season of Fire and Ice, and it isn't on Amazon. Maybe I dreamed it.

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