Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Any black holes in your basement?

Well, children, they did it. I'm not going to try to explain what they did in the Geneva, Switzerland area a little while ago, because everybody seems to understand it better than I do. But it's done, and I think the house is still standing on semi-solid ground. Stephen Hawking grinned, so it must be OK.
In a strange way, scientists seem to operate on a vast system of faith. "If you push that button, chances are 50-50 that the world will go up in smoke." Oh, boy! another button to push! Let's just hide behind this little sand dune where we can see what happens.
In another strange way, it seems they're all around three years old.
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1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

This is so funny, Jo. I was just completely thrilled that those scientists in Switzerland did it. The way I understand it, they got something going at nearly the speed of light, something they couldn't see so how do they know how fast it went. And then it smashed into something else they couldn't see and went boom I guess. As Sophia Patrillo would say, WHAT A LOAD OF FUN!