Saturday, September 20, 2008

In the Groove

I don't know much of anything to write about today.
I signed up for Susan's Hallowe'en swap project, have received the name and address of the person my project will go to, and have selected a whole pile of fabrics to work with for the main gift. The whole pile won't be used, just the ones that fit my design.
The picture has nothing to do with anything, except that it's one of the most attractive things in the house. It makes me want to write a poem. It makes me want to paint a picture. I may try to paint something like it, once I get into the groove. The standing Indian reminds me of Daddy, and the kneeling one of Henry Whitner.
I wish I had a recording of that old Tommy or Jimmy Dorsey tune (In the Groove). Can probably find it online.

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