Wednesday, August 26, 2009

RIP Sen. Edward Moore Kennedy

Ted Kennedy died yesterday, the last of the Old Ones. I hope they're all united in a good place. For this country, his death marks the end of a very special era--a time of hope, optimism, patriotism and good will. Regardless of their individual faults, to think of the Kennedys always brings me memories of good times and the possibility of better times than these.

Today I am concentrating prayer and positive thoughts toward my brother-in-law Vann, who is back in the hospital. Also toward my friend and fellow book-seller, Diana F. in Oregon.

Just last week, Diana had finished moving into a large, roomy and delightful house. Yesterday that house burned down, with all her belongings and two family pets. No humans were injured, but I can hardly imagine the heartbreak, worry and inconvenience that Diana and her family are going through.

1 comment:

Ramey Channell said...

So sorry to hear of your friend Diana's tragedy. It's such a terrible loss.

On the Ted Kennedy subject, I heard a commentator today remark that a theme carried from John Kennedy to Robert Kennedy to Ted Kennedy was "We can all make a difference, and we each must try."

That attitude made all three of those guys remarkable.

Your sister,