Thursday, August 14, 2014

Horrible Books

Yesterday I received two more "Flash" books from Jed, with a note: "Mom, these are horrible books." I agree, but I can't wait to get into the first book in the series. I cropped the picture to cut out some of the horror. I don't know why it won't copy right-side-up. Somehow, these books remotely remind me of "Black Adder." R. Atkinson would make a perfect Flashman.

The sky was clear last night, and I did see a few Perseid meteors. Four, to be exact, in about 20 minutes of bending over backwards. I thought the osteoporotic concavity of my back had changed into a convexity, but it's okay this morning.

Maybe I meant the "convexity" had changed to a "concavity." I guess it depends on whether you were standing in front of me or behind me.

Yesterday, someone down the street put a piano on the curb. It's sort of rickety-looking, but Ramey went down there and asked about it and the man said it would play. We worried about it, but didn't know what to do.

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