Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Almost time for a nap!

I spent a great deal of time today constructing an odd-shaped box to fit around this ugly old Red Wing pitcher, and inside a bigger box. I'm always scared stiff that these fragile things I ship will reach the buyer in a thousand splendid shards.

I did get another useful thing or two done. One was calling the doctor's office and getting my old prescription reinstated. That new stuff gave me intense nausea every time I took it, and I have completely tapered off of it, but feel that I need to go back on the old stuff.

I also succumbed to the temptation to bid on a lamp on eBay, and accidentally won it. I'm really glad, because it's a beautiful old tin toleware lamp, the kind I've wanted ever since I started thinking about lamps as anything except a source of light.

I've also planted my little sunflower plants in a sunny spot--should have done this a long time ago. Actually, in two sunny spots. And transplanted one of the non-blooming lily of the valley plants. Maybe it'll bloom next year.
We just had a good hard rain shower.
"Who loves the rain, and loves his home,
And looks on life with quiet eyes,
. . . Nor hell nor heaven shall that soul surprise."
Something like that. Emerson, I think. Ralph Waldo.
Last night--no, Monday night--I watched two old movies on TCM while making little quilt yo-yos. They were "Soylent Green" and "2010." I had never seen the latter before. It was right silly. Sillier than "2001: A Space Odyssey." If not for TCM, I would try to get rid of television altogether. There's just nothing on any more, not even the TV guide channel--Paris Hilton has taken that over. No more "Golden Girls" reruns. Of course, you can always watch the news, if you can stand it.
This morning I was looking at an old book about the American Arts and Crafts movement. There was a photo of a Frank Lloyd Wright window that looks very much like the glass in my front door-to-be. Lowe's phoned a few minutes ago and said my "lock set" had arrived. I assume this is the hardware for the front door. I asked her to hold it until the door comes in.
I also planned the yard sale which I hope to have organized by the weekend after next, July 30-31. If people would buy all the stuff I want to sell for a dime apiece, it would be worth having a yard sale. I'm going to need some moderately heavy lifting help. There's a big TV set in the guest room closet, sitting on top of a cheap but very heavy and sturdy night stand. That's a very good TV set, or I suppose it still is. I bought it at Wal-Mart many years ago, and it always made the prettiest picture--colors were soft, bright and true. It has been in that closet, disconnected, for 8-10 years. I can plug it in and check to see if it's still in working order.
Also, I may decide to sell that nearly immovable iron anvil sitting on the hearth, if I can find 2-3 men strong enough to get it down the stairs. Or maybe sell it, and let the buyer worry about moving it.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Number 1: I love that lamp. Number two: Too hot for a yard sale.

Joanne Cage said...

I aim to spend the day sitting on the patio (under the deck), where it stays about 10 degrees cooler than out in the sun, drinking lemonade and ice water and cokes. I hope to have a VOLUNTEER helper, so that we can take turns going inside. And I plan to hang the quilts, and all fabric stuff for sale, from the west end of the deck, to make the patio shadier.

Ramey Channell said...

I love that lamp. Congratulations on getting it.

As for doors, I had a dental appointment yesterday, and sat in Dr. Koplon's waiting room(the old Dr. Findley's) for some time, looking at the front door and wishing I could get one like it for my back door. My back door, metal ugly french doors that have rusted, rotted, and disintegrated over the years, have to be replaced. And Dr. Koplon has just what I want! His ceilings are higher, of course, so I couldn't have exactly the same arrangement, but something close would be so wonderful!
I must sneak in there with a camera and take a picture.