Tuesday, May 22, 2018

This evening I counted 104 lightning-bug flashes in the back yard. There is a quiet joy in standing on the deck in the summer twilight, counting fireflies and contemplating sink holes.


Deb said...

Until I moved to Indiana, I had never seen a firefly. I had always been wanting to see them since I read the Dr. Seuss book Summer. Now, I always look for them. While I don't see them in huge quantities since I moved to an apartment, I still do see some. I think they are the most amazing night lights!
Hope you are doing well.
Hugs and love 💖

Joanne Cage said...

Thanks for posting, Deb. I have just about abandoned Facebook, so please keep checking this blog now and then. I love you!

Deb said...

There are times Facebook gives me a headache! Too much politics and drama!