Sunday, November 21, 2010


The opener and light buttons are mounted on the stairway wall.
The installer said, "You'll have to wait till we're gone to test these, to see if they work." Funny guy. I got two remotes for each door. But each remote will open either door, depending on which button you push.

The overhead motors inside have two lights each, with covers. I'm very well satisfied, and I hope Mr. Hogan is, too.

I have been calling around to get someone to rake or blow the leaves, but haven't succeeded yet.

I still have a question or two. Initially, Charles said something about a way to open the doors if the electricity goes off, but yesterday I didn't think about it, and he didn't mention it. So I'll have to call them again tomorrow. I forget what my other question was.

I slept off and on from 7:30 yesterday evening until 9:30 this morning, so I ought to feel better than I do. But I don't.


JD Atlanta said...

The doors look good! Hope you are feeling better. If they gave you the manuals, we'll read through them and find the way to open without power. If not, I'm sure we can get copies of the manuals online.

See you soon -


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I love the fact that you remotes will open either day. Mine aren't that way, and the second remote got lost in the hullabaloo that ensued after Vann passed. With mine, if the electricity goes off, I have to open them manually.
My handyman Joe will probably be glad to rake your leaves. I'm going to have him do mine, but I think I'll wait till they all fall. Do you want me to tell him to call you?

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Did you get the tires fixed yet? Are you mobile? Do you need a ride anywhere today? I'm sorry about book club, but I was in no condition.

Joanne Cage said...

Thanks, Suze. I'll email you.

Ramey Channell said...

Hooray! The doors look great and I'm wowed by the technological technology. So glad you're able to affect an unhindered ingress and egress now.