Friday, August 17, 2012

If at first/second (ad infinitum) you don't succeed--

The procedure for restoring my printer to life gets longer and more complicated. Yesterday, in desperation, I tried removing the ink cartridges and replacing them, and that worked. I shake my head.

Ramey and Reed stopped by yesterday to retrieve Gretchen. Seeing Reed for the first time in many weeks was a real treat. He spent most of his summer vacation in Los Angeles, and now he's bound for first grade. I took him on a tour of Graymont, while he's still young enough to appreciate miniature stuff.


Ramey Channell said...

I'm glad your printer is working again. So, it was the ink cartridge? Isn't that sort of like trying to fire your gun with no bullets?
I have a philosophical questions: Does the world get stranger every day, or do we just get easier to stupifY? Or both?
Now, I'm laughing my head off. Because, that philosophical question really had nothing to do with you and your ink cartridge. I was thinking about myself and the world I inhabit, actually.
But, if the shoe fits, you know what to do with it.

Joanne Cage said...

Re: your philosophical question, I quote my blog of a few days ago:

"One of the worst things about growing old is wondering whether living in the world is really so much harder now than it used to be, or whether it just seems that way because one's brain is getting addled."

If the shoe fits and doesn't hurt the corn on your toe, buy it.

Joanne Cage said...
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