Monday, March 30, 2015

Dinner Last Night

Sour-cream chicken and biscuits. Plus some veggies.

It took most of the day, but the refrigerator is cleaned out and restocked. I'm not exactly proud of myself for going grocery shopping. But it's a good feeling when I force myself to get out of the house, instead of yelling for help.
I keep thinking about a book I'd like to re-read after about fifty years. Herman Wouk's Youngblood Hawke. I used to have the book, but don't any more. It's about a writer. A movie was made based on it, but they got the wrong actor to play Hawke, and it made me not want to read the book again for 50 years or so. I wish somebody else would read it and tell me if they agree with me that the movie part would have been perfect for Andy Griffith.

Mr. Reed's guys cleaned up the lawn and driveway today.

1 comment:

JD Atlanta said...

That looks like a good meal. Pasta for me tonight, with sausage, pepper, and onion. Filling. I'll sleep well again tonight.

The only Andy Griffith movie I can remember seeing is Onionhead. Actually, I read the book - not even sure if I saw that movie.