Friday, July 10, 2015


I'm reading a book, and today I hope to reach the middle of its 1000+ pages. The type font is approximately a 6 in size, but fortunately the page size is paper-back. The book is about magic--indeed, I fear not to allege that the book is magic. Fair warning: Do not plan to read this book  if you are less phlegmatic than Mr. Laurence Strange's excitable new manservant. If you should read as far as page 132, you would be hooked for the whole thousand-plus. It is Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, but although I don't believe in spells as such, I will not go about muttering the title.

Some joker(s) made a TV series of JS&MN (the female who wrote the book may be the most literate sorcerer in history). Jed and I watched three episodes over the weekend. The book is something else.

Otherwise, it was a very pleasant weekend. Jed, Pat, India and Susan came over to eat Fourth-of-July dinner with me, and brought potluck with them. I made baked ham, potato salad, rolls, green grapes, green salad and ice cream; Susan brought chicken, rolls, baked beans, fresh berries and her wonderful pound cake; and Pat brought a most delicious corn pudding. A good time was had by all, I trust. I just wish the rest of the family had been there, but Andy, Jesse, Buffy et al had other irons in the fire.

I've had two home health visits this week.

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