Monday, July 13, 2015

Wurra, wurra!

Woke up this morning with this Great Purple Spot on my arm.

This is not just your AARP age spot. I thought I was escaping such as this, except for the mole on my right hand. "All is vanity, saith the Preacher."

Seriously, Facebook upsets me too much. It's my most-visited contact with "the world," but I'm going to try to change that by accepting every hint of an invitation or opportunity to get out of the house.


JD Atlanta said...

Do it! And make a few invitations of your own. People just need excuses to get out.

Deb said...

Did you figure out what caused the spot? I have freckles, at least I think they are freckles. I don't get out much either. The grocers and the doctors is about it. Yep, I lead a thrilling life.

Joanne Cage said...

I can't imagine what caused it, Deb. My mother had big ones like this on her arms, when she was old. They look like what we used to call "blood blisters." Probably just some kind of fancy bruises.