Friday, August 20, 2010

A goal

All this week I've been going over the novel I wrote in 2007. It's really pretty good, just needs a plot and some rewriting. At least, I think the writing is pretty good.

I've also got half a dozen poems ready to enter in the ASPS contests, including a couple of new ones.

What I'm thinking of doing is combining the 2007 novel with the one I started this year, which is primarily about an elderly woman. A book about old people has to be spot-on excellent to catch anybody's attention. Anyway, I'm hoping I can (1) work her story into the 2007 book, and (2) improve the whole thing. I'm not saying I'm going to do it, as my resolutions often get bogged down. But that's a goal.

1 comment:

JD Atlanta said...

It's a good goal! You MUST finish that novel - I want to read it!!!