Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thinning Out the Books

The charity truck comes tomorrow, and I've got two trays of books ready to be picked up. And I've only gone through two of the big bookcases. I hope to get rid of that stack on the right-hand side of the bench, before I start using it as furniture.

My creative juices seem to have dried up this month. I do have one new project going, which is making holiday ornaments for Christmas presents, but it's still in the stage of assembling the materials and tools. If I were better organized, I would finish some of the old ones before starting something new. But Christmas is coming fast, and tempus fugit.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I can't believe you still have so many books. I have ridded myself of most of my superfluous ones. I think.

JD Atlanta said...

I brought a grocery bag to my office. We have a book shelf in the break room where people trade / abandon books.

Joanne Cage said...

I put the other donated items on the porch last night, and slept too late this morning to put out the books--they had already picked up the stuff when I woke up. So I've still got all those books. Jed can take a bunch of them to his break room.

Ramey Channell said...

I threw away a trunk-load of magazines AND the magazine rack from whence they came. Do I get points for that?

I need to address my book shelf.

JD Atlanta said...

If your bookshelf is so large & crowded that you need to start assigning addresses ... that's pretty bad.