Thursday, April 14, 2011

When Money Goes Out the Door, Penury Comes Inuendo

I've decided to get fat. I mean I've decided to quit smoking, which is saying the same thing. I've always had a sort of Vettie-Ramey-like superstition, that I would die if I quit smoking--as if Karma would say, "You can't outsmart me!"

In recent years, my logic has been that I'm so old, why quit smoking now? The reverse of that is, why not quit smoking now? If I die from wanting a cigarette, which isn't likely, it's better than dying because I wouldn't quit smoking. Is that clear?

Anyway, economically, it comes down to Eat or Smoke, and I enjoy eating, just a fraction of a hair more. So I'll probably get fat, and more slovenly. When you're all the time cooking stuff like bacon and ham and biscuits, it increases the amount of slove.


JD Atlanta said...

When Grandma quit, she said that she didn't like it when people asked her about it, or congratulated her for stopping. So I won't ask or mention it again, but I am very proud of you.


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I wouldn't tell anybody for a couple of weeks when I quit. I was afraid I would jinx it.