Thursday, May 29, 2008

Happy Something Day To Me!

One of my Amazon Soapbox friends is going out of business, and today I received a boxful of books from her, 18 books, all but a couple of them looking brand new, although some were published as far back as 1966. I checked on Amazon, and they're listed for an average of about $10 per book, with several over $30. Krista paid $37 to mail the box express, so of course I'm going to send her the postage. She is one cool lady.

I've got the stuffed chicken meal thawing in the refrigerator, to cook tomorrow. Meanwhile, today I'm pigging out on fruit, plus a rare hotdog (not as rare as they should be, though).

I regret to admit that Monday I made an orange cake from a Duncan Hines mix, with a pineapple glaze. There's still about a third of it left, which will probably get thrown out. But 2/3 of a cake probably put 5 pounds on me this week (I'm afraid to get on the scale).

1 comment:

JD Atlanta said...

The stuffed chicken was really good. You may want to try it with a side of pasta & marinara sause. I had one of the leftover chicken breasts that way last night, and it was great.

Good news on the books!
