6:45 a.m. - Jed phoned yesterday and said the Lowe's people would be here at 7:00 a.m. today to install the doors!
Ramey's book signing at the Little Professor Store is at noon, but unless the workers finish before then, I won't get to go. If they do finish up quickly, Jed and I will ride over to Homewood and try to find the place.
Right now I need another cup of coffee--I just got out of the shower and dressed, and I feel great! Except I need another cup of coffee.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Busy Saturday
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
6:46 AM
Friday, July 30, 2010
More of the Same
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
10:29 AM
Labels: Movies and Stars
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Poems and Heroes
These lines kept running through my mind, and I wanted to read the whole poem:
Bear down upon me, winds of destiny;
I'll show you how to tote a heavy load!
I thought they were by Countee Cullen, but can't find them anywhere. I remember first reading that poem when I was 10 or 12 years old, and I thought it was a pretty reckless challenge. "Just asking for it!"

Countee Cullen, 1903-1946
Even if he didn't write it, he was that brave and stoical.
My lamp arrived yesterday, something of a disappointment. It's in brand-new condition, and will go perfectly in the living room. But I thought it was yellow, and it turns out to be green. And the shade sits too high.
All-Day Singing and Dinner on the Grounds
I wonder if any of the old country churches still hold such events. If I could find one that does, I might join it.
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
1:10 PM
Labels: Black history, heroes, poems
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
An Evening Out
Last night I went to the poetry reading at the Arts Council building. (I'm making a resolution to go to every meeting.) The group meets on the last Monday of every-other month. When I attend, I find myself wishing we met every month.
I did get there on time yesterday, but the group had already arrived and arranged chairs in the lobby--which was much more congenial than a table in the meeting room. There were Joan and Frank, Cookie, Sherry, Joe W., and a gentleman named DeWitt who is something at one of the schools, I didn't catch all the details. Cookie read her "Cats" poem, and Joan also had a poem about how she and Frank acquired a cat ironically named Angel. Sherry read a reminiscence, and Joe shared a poem about a very moving personal experience from his childhood, and another one about the phenomenon of aging. Everyone read several pieces; Frank had a group of very brief verses, plus a couple of longer poems. I guess Mr. DeWitt (actually, that's his first name) took the prize for longest poem; his was an analogy about the Gulf of Mexico, very insightful.
I read "Exodus," "Splendor Before a Storm," "The Muse Contemplates Departure," and "Jane Austen Never Married." Everyone had very kind comments. They even understood "Departure," maybe because I took the trouble to utter an explanatory sentence before I read it. It's about the environment, earth, rather than exclusively about poetry. They made me read the last part of "Jane Austen" twice:
I had brought along a copy of Ramey's book, Sweet Music on Moonlight Ridge, for show-and-tell, in case anyone hadn't seen it. I think everyone except Cookie and DeWitt had read it. We discussed the book and its characters, and I told a little bit of background about life on the mountain. Everyone said to tell Ramey "hi" and congratulations.
A sad note was Gail W.'s absence. Joe said she'd had chemo in the past week, and it takes several days for her to get back to feeling well.
Happy Birthday to Ramey! She's about 21 today, give or take a few. She and I went to lunch Sunday to celebrate in advance, at Caney's Fork or Creek or Park, or something, I can't keep that name right in my muddled head.
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
8:42 AM
Labels: Poems by me, poets, SMOMR
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Art Nouveau influences in American Arts & Crafts

Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
12:42 PM
Friday, July 23, 2010
Decisions, decisions!
I've been trying to decide whether to sell this quilt top, or to have it machine-quilted. My eyes and I are too old to think about hand-quilting it.

Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
4:56 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2010
EBay research
Some time after the Roadshow, I painted over it with white acrylic paint, which will wash off, so that I could see the details. On eBay I've found an antique plaque, similar to mine but finer and more intricate, made of silver; and another antique, also very finely worked, made of copper and marked by a maker in Germany. My plaque is almost exactly like the German copper one, except that mine is extremely pocked and blurred, as if details have been worn away over time; but I know that's not the case, because of the hardness of the metal and the intact nature of the black glaze.

Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
9:26 AM
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Almost time for a nap!
I spent a great deal of time today constructing an odd-shaped box to fit around this ugly old Red Wing pitcher, and inside a bigger box. I'm always scared stiff that these fragile things I ship will reach the buyer in a thousand splendid shards.

Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
2:05 PM
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Farewell to Ow-EE
Yesterday I worked some more on my Camilla quilt. Or throw.
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
3:04 PM
Monday, July 19, 2010
"I long ago lost a hound, a bay horse, and a turtledove
. . . and am still on their trail." (Thoreau, Walden)
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
12:11 PM
Saturday, July 17, 2010
One of those Frankly-My-Dear mornings
Of which I get too few. I usually wake up with the weight of the world--or of things I have to do--staring me in the face. Today, who cares? If you wash the dishes or the cat or the clothes, it just encourages them to get dirty again.

Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
11:28 AM
Labels: book club, books, poems I know by heart, T.K. Thorne
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
. . . There's been a change in the weather and a change in the sea--
From now on there'll be a change in me;
My walk will be different, my talk and my name--
Nothing about me is gonna be the same:
I'm going to change my way of living, and if that ain't enough,
I'll even change the way I strut my stuff!
Nobody wants you when you're old and gray--
There'll be some changes made today--
There'll be some changes made!
(Benny Goodman)
I keep waiting for the remorse to set in, about all or some of the items I've got rid of lately. So far, I'm just glad I don't have to put up with, worry about, or feel guilty over them any more. There were three beautiful granny-square afghans in the basement that Jenny made. Thank goodness, there wasn't any mold or grunge of any kind on them; all they needed was a fresh laundering to look new. I've sold one of them and eBay-listed another, and am keeping the one I like best:
That makes two afghans or throws that I've sold, one listed, and eight more that right now I can think of in the house.
Dump a can of baked beans in a casserole, add some chopped up roasted weiners and the half a cup of white wine you left in your glass last night. Mix pretty well. Top with a pi made of Stonehenge-like slices of a single frozen pie crust. Bake until you remember to take it out of the oven.
Bake the rest of the pie crust at the same time, then throw it away because it's burnt black. (Optional: Throw the remains of the pie crust away before baking.)
With a big plateful of shredded lettuce, I think this will make a great lunch. No matter what anyone else thinks about how it looks.
Someday I'm going to write a cookbook called "Casual Cooking." Or "Causal Cooking."
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
10:05 AM
Monday, July 12, 2010
Signing them books!

Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
3:26 PM
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Glad I slept 12 hours...
A pair of china mugs that came from the thrift shop, and a gold-flashed glass compote.
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
6:59 AM
Labels: SMOMR
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Jed and I have been discussing (by phone) all the unforeseen details to close the doors deal. This is the glass we chose for the big full center "light." I wanted this one the first time I saw it at Lowe's, about a month ago. I never even considered any other pattern, because this suits the style of the house so well.It really isn't all those colors, just clear glass with zinc-colored muntins, or caming, between the individual pieces of glass. Just think, sometime before the summer's over, that, in a dark green frame, will replace this:
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
1:00 PM
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Lazy, Crazy, Scorching Days of Summer
This is a significant anniversary day, so I spent the morning outside to keep from getting the blues.
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
11:32 AM
Labels: poems I know by heart
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I think they're back!
I believe the hawks are nesting in a tree in the back yard again. I was on the patio just now, looking at my dead tomato plant, and heard what sounded like a young or hurt bird--that crying or mewing sound. So I walked out under the trees to see if I could locate the sound. I looked up and, on a bare limb almost directly over my head, sat Mama Hawk--I'm sure it was a female, because she was a good bit smaller than the hawks I've seen here in the past. (She also appeared to be dark all over instead of having the brown-flecked cream-colored breast, like the big hawks I've seen before.) She was making little soft sounds, apparently in reply to those mewing sounds. She didn't pay much attention to me, but sat there for about half a minute, then flew to a tree out by the street. Probably waiting for me to go in the house.
The Lowe's guy came about noon and measured the doorways. I spent the morning sealing up and stamping my packages, then took them to the P.O. as I was afraid I would miss the mail truck. At the post office (going in with my second load in my arms), I ran into Betty W. who had started leaving. But of course we had to talk, and I stood in the lobby for the longest with the perspiration dripping out of my hair, my glasses sliding off my nose, etc. I finally just set the big box down and listened. Anyway, it was good to see her--I like Betty. She and Curtis are going to the Holy Land in October, and she was there for the papers to get their passports renewed.
I almost started to ask if I could go to the East with them. I'll bet she'd let me. It would probably be my only opportunity in this life to see that place. Said the Compleat Non-Traveler.
When I got home, the ice cream I had bought at the grocery was mush. (Of course I had gone to the store and P.O. in the wrong order.) It wasn't my favorite kind, anyway.
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
2:01 PM
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Saying Goodbye
A blue-and-white plate which I wish I'd kept.
A Russel Wright bowl which I'm glad to see the last of, because it's shaped somewhat like a bedpan.
And finally, a Limoges gravy boat which never seemed right to me, because you can't take it off the stand.
Posted by Joanne Cage --
Joanne Cage
1:43 PM