Thursday, September 13, 2012

Not really a slouch. Not really a blue-eyed Indian?

Every day I do at least one important thing, usually more, then wind up thinking I've wasted the day because I don't get done everything that needs doing. Today I've done some stuff around the house, shopped for our sister supper tomorrow night, paid some bills, visited the Saint Theresa's Church yard sale, and I don't know what all. So there.

Son Jed sent off for one of those genetic tests that tell you where your ancestors came from. His came back indicating that he is 100% European. Looks like there were some Vikings in the woodpile at several points. Even if Grandpa Ramey (Paw Paw) was wrong about his mother, the Satterfields have Indian-mixed ancestry. The American Indians supposedly came from Asia. Maybe all their Asian blood froze up when they walked across Siberia and Alaska.

Or maybe all the original Indians were really from Siberia, which is considered European. So maybe I'm really one-eighth Russian. It ain't gonna worry me for long.

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

100% European! Well tht's a revolting development. I thought sure that was an Indian in the woodpile somewhere.