Saturday, June 15, 2013

Revisiting Lewis Carroll

You Are Old, Father William

"You are old, Father William," the young man said
"And should take care in all that you do;
And yet you defiantly stand on your head--
What the hell is the matter with you?"


JD Atlanta said...

“It’s good for the brain,” William said to his son,
“This is very important for poets.”
“Need you a rhyme? I always have one,”
“Uh … something something goats.”

JD Atlanta said...

(I guess you should pronounce that "go-ats.")

Joanne Cage said...

Thanks for the second stanza. I was trying to remember the poem, and that's as good as I could do without looking it up. Last line:

"In my youth, I was mentored by go-ats."