Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Chapbook

I'm working on a new book, a chapbook of 20 to 24 poems, to enter in the John and Miriam Morris chapbook contest sponsored by the ASPS. It has to be postmarked by May 30, so it's a biting-the-fingernails deadline. The picture sort of suggests the theme.

I'm not writing 24 new poems, just mainly retitling some of the old ones to fit the book's theme and title, "This Rough Magic."

I don't know if the winner of the contest can choose an image for the cover, but this would be ideal, since it's in the public domain.


JD Atlanta said...

That is a good picture. Where did you find it?

Joanne Cage said...

I just Googled Pan and images, and got this.