Saturday, June 6, 2015

Strange Noises

I keep seeing these TV shows, or their titles at least, about people who abandoned their homes because they were disturbed by strange noises. Buddy, they won't get my house because of a little hubbub and other tricks.

If I don't answer my phone when it rings, it will ring four times then switch to the voice mail. When it rings in the middle of the night, it just rings once and quits.

I have already gone on at length about the tintinnabulation of my doorbell, which no one rings at 2:00-3:00 in the morning. And the huge muddy paw print on the upper section of my front door.

Then there's the knocking--I know what the rat-a-tat-tat knocking is, that's a woodpecker, and it happens later in the a.m. But the two sharp, loud knocks that almost shake the walls, I can't figure out. Also, I sometimes wake myself up calling "What?" when somebody calls my name.

There are slitherings and scratchings in the walls, and I think, "Mice? Snakes in the attic?" No, Cook's Pest Patrol is faithful and effective.

I tell myself that houses settle, creak and groan; then I usually turn over and go back to sleep.

What's Happened To Me???!!!!

I'm no longer dependent on coffee for blood flow. Don't even really like the stuff. Must be some of these pills I take.


JD Atlanta said...

It could just be that your newly repaired heart is doing a better job of moving blood around! I noticed a difference almost as soon as you came out of surgery. I really think you're in better shape now than at anytime in the last year!

Joanne Cage said...

I think you're right. If I could just get some enthusiasm.

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Don't want coffee? I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad.