Friday, July 13, 2012

The start of something?

That day when Ned came to Graymont, he and Alexis were talking in the great room when Beauty came in with drinks on a tray. Ned recognized her, of course, as Alice Joan Smith. She was a raggedy little kid when he and Alexis were in high school. The story of how she (and the twins' childhood comrade Billy Bones) came to work for the Dolls can be told at another time.

Anyway, when Ned and Beauty looked each other in the eye, you could almost see the little Cupid arrows flying around their heads.

So, what will the future bring? Que sera sera.


I've restarted my book sales on Sold a book yesterday. It's mainly a source of irritation to me. Don't know why I'm adding that boredom to my life. Guess I had a moment of weakness and decided to be a bookseller again, instead of just custodian to a superannuated cat.

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