Monday, March 17, 2008

Did St. Pat miss a few leprechauns?

No, I guess he was only chasing the snakes.

Maybe this Little Person was watching Steve's crew "stoning" the flower beds. I myself was oversleeping, but they did all right without supervision. Maybe I only dreamed the episodes of discussing natural colors/gravel/pea gravel/large pea gravel--or maybe it was real, and the only word that stuck was "large." Whatever, I'm satisfied. And the reason I'm satisfied is that I learned a long time ago not to expect more of the human race than they're capable of; after all, 90% of them have IQ's of 100 or less, God love 'em.

What you want to bet that when the back-yard drains are installed on Wednesday, they'll be covered with a layer of brown pea gravel?


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

The stones look great in the beds. I want some.

Ramey Channell said...

That leprechaun looks scary. The two I saw back in 1974 looked a lot like that, but their beards were not pointy and their faces looked more like ordinary humans. Their clothes were ordinary too, not green.
Ramey Channell