Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Little Two-Eyes

I dreamed I was leaving some kind of performance at "The Center," when the left side of my face felt numb and I couldn't open that eye. The numbness seemed to be creeping across my face, and the right eye would only open spasmodically. Panicked, I rushed out and left my blue coat and purse in the seat. In the lobby, I realized I had left my things, so I started back, just in time because a guy was locking the door. He let me in, and I grabbed what I thought was my blue coat and left the room again. Outside, I realized I had left my purse, and the blue thing I had was somebody's shirt.

All this time, my left eye was shut and I could only see occasionally with the right eye. I realized I was standing near a policewoman or guard, and I asked her if anyone else in the building had a key to the theater besides that man who had just left. She said no, but he would probably be back in a couple of hours to check the building before he went home.

I told her my eyes weren't working right and I had left my things in the theater. She said what was wrong with my eyes was a nervous spasm, and if I'd sit down and get calm, it would probably pass. So I sat down on a bench and tried to relax, and tried to hold my right eye open with my fingers. After a while I noticed sunlight coming in through a window, so I must have been there all night.

Then I woke up, and my face was buried in my pillow. When I turned over, my eyes opened OK.


Ramey Channell said...

Hmmm. I left a comment on here yesterday, and today I see it not. What I said was "Veh-ddy in-tuh-resting." Still is.

JD Atlanta said...

I agree! It's funny how some dreams are so vivid.