Sunday, August 30, 2015

"Round up the usual suspects!"

Last Friday evening, TCM showed two of my favorite films, "Casablanca" and "Gaslight."

I slept all day Saturday (yesterday). I kept meaning to get up, but then it started raining and put me back to sleep. Then I dreamed Gerald T. and I were trying to put together a Department of Neurology newsletter because its editor, Dr. H., had died. I had been her assistant and knew most of the online procedure, but had to enlist Gerald's help with the button-pushing. As far as I know, the real Dr. H. is still practicing, and the real Gerald T. had never touched a computer when he was a Social Security claims rep. about 30 years ago.
I love some of the translations on Facebook. This one is typical: Video of a bird and a kitten playing, and the caption is "Tort en Jip lekker aan het spelen. Het blijft bijzonder hoe alle dieren bij ons zo leuk samengaan."
The translation:
"Tort and jip good playing. It remains particularly how all the animals at us so cute can coexist."


Deb said...

Casablanca is one of my all-time favourites. I could watch that every week and not tire of it. Some of the best lines are in that movie: "You know what I want to hear. You played it for her, you can play it for me.", "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.", "Round up the usual suspects". But my all the favourite line:"Here's looking at you, kid". As Time Goes By is such a lovely song.
By the way, who was that Doctor you were dreaming about?

Joanne Cage said...

She was a doctor I worked for at the University medical center.