Saturday, August 22, 2015


Someday I hope I'll drive down a mountain, or get off an airplane, and my ears will pop, and I'll swallow, and the tinnitus will stop, and my ears will no longer feel like they're about to explode. Maybe by then I'll have a walking stick to steady my gait. Or if the tinnitus and vertigo stop, maybe I won't need a stick.

Susan and Pat found a "new" barbecue place (new to us) up in Moody. The three of us, escorted by Mr. Reed Agan, went up there yesterday for lunch. I had barbecue chicken, potato salad and fried green tomatoes. Yum!

Yesterday morning Mr. Ricky Reed's crew mowed the yard and cleaned up the leaves and stuff. And then this morning when I went outside, there's a great limb from one of the oak trees lying on the grass. I always say Mr. Reed, or Mr. Ricky Reed, because that's the way he identifies himself on the phone.


JD Atlanta said...

A BBQ place near my house serves sandwiches (which never fill me up) and plates. The plates have enough meat for three sandwiches. It finally occurred to me to order the plate and ask for some buns on the side. Now I eat like a king, and still have a sandwich to take home with me.

If someone would teach them how to cook decent fries, I would eat there five times a week, and weigh 300 lbs by Christmas!

Joanne Cage said...

Clever. But I hope they don't have you arrested for cheating.

JD Atlanta said...

I'm charming, Mom. A little charm goes a long way. :)