Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This morning the  thermostat in the hall said "70," although the AC was off. Who could ask for more?


3:25 p.m. I've been working on the Book since noon, and my back is giving me fits. If I thought I could find or make a box big enough to ship it in, I would sell my office chair on eBay for a dollar and a half and sit in a straight kitchen chair. But as long as I've got it, I keep on trying to sit up straight in it. The back leans back, and the seat tilts forward and wants to dump me out in the floor. After a while I find myself crouched forward on the edge of the seat.

Think I'll eat a hot dog and then wash some clothes. I may take a nap first.

1 comment:

JD Atlanta said...

How many hours a week do you spend in that chair? Maybe it's time to start looking at a new chair!!