Sunday, May 22, 2011

Make Quilts, Write Poems

The meeting went well. Only Ramey, Emily and Frank attended, and Ramey had to leave early for her play practice. But we had a right merry time. We're all pretty doggone good poets, at least at heart. I'm borrowing a leaf from Joe W.: From now on, what I do is make quilts and write poems. And read books, although Walt Whitman would grumble at "living on the ghosts in books."

Right now I'm reading James Flexner's biography of George Washington. That gentleman was more complex than I've always thought, much more of a creative personality than the schoolbooks have painted. He practically had to reinvent warfare for this continent as it was in its primeval state. The last thing the colonists wanted to do was fight. It appears that the last thing Washington wanted to think about was leading an army or a country. But when you've got the alligators in front of you and the crocodiles behind--!

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