Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sailing Alone Around the Room

That's the title of a collection of poems by Stanley Kunitz. I think it's one of the neatest titles, or lines, I've ever seen. It beats "There is no frigate like a book" all hollow.

One day last week, I received my copies of the ASPS Sampler. They printed my poem about the apple tree. I had completely forgot about the fall meeting; it was October 25 (Saturday) in Trussville. I guess it's just as well I didn't go; I had entered only one poem, and have not received a notice or prize, so apparently it didn't win even an honorable mention. I can't understand what's wrong with that poem; it won second prize in a national contest (NFSPS), but Alabama won't give it the time of day. Oh, well.

This morning I've been working on my office, trying to get it cleaned out and reorganized. At least I've got rid of all the papers, magazines, books, coffee mugs, old sandwiches and chicken bones, etc. (just kidding) that were piled on the round table. Now I'm looking at turning it on the side to get it out the door, and finding that I'll have to take the legs off anyway before rolling it into the kitchen. So what will I pile papers on when that's out of here? I'll think of something.

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