Friday, February 10, 2012


Another movie I had never seen in its entirety was on TCM this morning. It was worth watching to the end, I guess. But I've got to get busy around here. Anyway, whatever else he was, Rock Hudson was the handsomest man I ever saw, in or out of the movies. Which just goes to show you. In the '50s and '60s, I kept hoping they would remake "Gone With the Wind," with him and Liz T.

I'm getting busy.


JD Atlanta said...

Hope your busy day is followed by a good weekend!


Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

He was handsome, that's for sure. And she was gorgeous.

Deb said...

Rock Hudson and Liz Taylor? I don't know...would it have been the same? I get wary of 're-makes' of movies. Sometimes the movie only works with the original people. I cannot decide if it would have been the same with Hudson and Taylor. Taylor could have done the 'flirting' scenes well...I have to think about it more...

Joanne Cage said...

Eliz. naturally talked more like a Southerner than Vivien Leigh could ever mimic. Leigh's voice was one of the things that annoyed me most about the movie GWTW.

Deb said...

GWTW is one of my all time favourites. I have a special edition of it that includes signed pics of the cast and a script. In fact, my daughter, Ashleigh, was named after Ashley Wilks and Vivian Leigh. Do you believe she has never seen the movie! Well, fiddle dee dee!