Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hot As Summer, Cold As Winter

Friday afternoon, the temperature was up near 80 degrees, and I was wishing for the courage to turn on the air conditioner. Today it's in the 50s but headed down.

The Christmas and birthday gifts I received ought to keep me entertained on slow days.

And when I get hungry, I can cook something scrumptious in my new crockpot.

Recent Reading:
If anyone hasn't read Song of Solomon, I recommend it highly. I guess it isn't as good as Beloved, but it's really gripping, especially the end.
The Looking Glass War is aggravating, and makes you wonder if British Intelligence really was ever as inept as LeCarre pictures it in his books. His focus is on the Cold War, but if England was that fumble-fisted in WWII, it's a good thing Hitler didn't realize it. But TLGW is a good read, with a real hero and one sympathetic Englishman.

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

I love your new crockpot!!!! It's beautimous. I didn't forget your birthday. I just haven't slowed down long enough to do anything about it. But belated Happy Birthday. I hope it was a good 'un. --Suze