Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The North Wind Doth Blow

Actually, I think it's the west wind. Yesterday evening I sat here and listened to the garbage cans flailing the neighborhood, and was glad I had got my cart in behind the house before dark. Today I'm trying to wrap Christmas gifts, but I need to get more Scotch tape and stuff. It's always something.

In February and March, July and August, time drags; a day seems to take a week, and a month is a long time passing. But come the last quarter of the year, the wheels speed up and days are gone before you can get started. Is today really the 9th of December?

I've got three projects going--one on the kitchen table, one on the dining room table, and one on the sewing machine. None of them can be finished until I go to the store(s). So here I sit. I'd like to be outside in the sunshine and wind, sneezing or not. In a little while, I'm going out. Or back to bed.

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