Saturday, January 16, 2010

Am I Losing It?

Heck, no. At least, I know what my problem is. Or was. I've sold two or more items on eBay, and I've been gnawing my gnails for >24 hours, wondering what to do next. Comes from getting mixed up with PayPal. I should have gotten a postal scale in the past month, but I didn't. I was wondering if somehow I could appeal to the Leeds P.O. to help me out. Anyway.

This morning I called my sister Suze to see if her pain is any better. She has an appointment with surgeons to see if her past back/neck surgery has anything to do with what she's going through now, and we pray it doesn't. I told her my problem with the mail, and turns out, she has a postal scale, so I'm going over there to borrow it. Maybe I'll learn the ropes on this eBay business. There's money there, if I can just move it to here.


The stein hasn't closed yet, but I've got a good bid on it. I feel strange about getting rid of treasures. But I really don't think I'll ever think about them again after they're gone. That yellow vase has bothered me for 30 years or so. And I never liked the Roseville pot. I only like the stein because it reminds me of visiting Harvard and seeing the glass flowers, and Boston and seeing Longfellow's house and grave and all. I think Marianne Moore mentioned those things in a poem.

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