On the subject of wasting time--Yesterday I watched "House" marathon for hours and hours, instead of figuring out what to do next on eBay. Turns out, today, all I had to do was wait for the info from PayPal. Now all I have to do is go hunt and/or buy boxes.
I've also sold the two blue vases, and have a high bid on the Weller vase.
Yesterday I went over to Susan's Yellow House to borrow her postal scale, and my other sister Ramey was there. After greetings from Sophie, we all sat down and chatted (not gossipped) about old friends and other stuff, including what we know or wonder about our Native American ancestors. Turns out Susan's late Darling, Vann, had a recalcitrant Scotch-Indian ancestor with the surname of, guess what, Vann.
As Susan says, if you look into quantum physics, it seems we're all (including everyone on the planet, past and present) just one big happy/miserable/mixed-up/drunk-infested family. Did Susan say that? Well, maybe in a neater, more genteel way.
On the subject of "House," I had watched a couple of episodes before, with a sort of grim fascination. Yesterday's viewing ought to be enough blood and guts to last a long time. But I do like that guy. He always (eventually) comes up with the correct diagnosis, even though his patients get pretty badly mishandled and beaten up in the process.
I also barbecued 3-1/2 pounds of "country ribs" in the crock pot. Mmmm, mm mm!
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