Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yesterday, my amiable nephew Jason came over and helped me get the old Abe Lincoln running again. I made a dash to the post office to mail my third December book sale. Of course, as it was New Year's Eve, the P.O. was closed, so I just drove around until Abe's gas tank was almost empty, then filled it to the halfway mark, and came on home.

The peas are cooking; the (best in the world, leftover from Christmas) ham is thawed; and I think there's still some chow-chow in a jar. I'll make a little salad and a small skillet corn pone, and about 2:30 I'll have "lunch." After that, I'll probably have a glass of wine and take a nap. A not very exciting day; but I don't have any company to celebrate with.

Royalty-free photo

1 comment:

Susan @ Blackberry Creek said...

Sounds like a quiet restful day with good food. Doesn't get much better.